
Sounds Awful...

Get Rid Of Mice Sonically
High-Frequency sound sends them scurrying. Safe for pets/humans.

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Chase mice away from food and nesting material with an ultrasonic noise. The mouse-equivalent of a 747 roaring down a runway.
# Plug into wall outlet, near food or potential nesting material. It continuously emits a powerful, high frequency, complicated sound -- unnoticeable to humans or pets -- that sends rodents packing.
# Ultrasonic noise radiates throughout your room, bounces off walls and furniture, getting more complex.
# One unit protects an unobstructed 400 sq. ft. room. Noise won’t penetrate walls or solid objects. So if room has furniture or less than 400 sq. feet of open, unobstructed space, use 2 or more units in various outlets to cover open space.
# Tested in basements, garages, storage areas, kitchens, pantries. Unconditional lifetime guarantee.


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