
Mouse Catapult

… the modern solution to your rodent problem.
This cunning invention is both effective and HUMANE.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So, how does it work?
Like the traditional mousetrap, the rodent is attracted by the scent of cheese. But this is where the similarity ends...
While approaching the bait, the mouse unwittingly steps upon a hand-shaped platform. As he gives the cheese a tug, the Mouse Catapult literally springs into action! It sends the hapless mouse soaring through the air.
But, how is this humane?
The trick is pointing the Mouse Catapult at an open window. That way, the flying rodent will travel out into your yard (or perhaps your neighbor's yard).
But please, remember to open the window. We can't stress this enough.

A “test mouse” is included so you can practice angle of projectory, distance, velocity, and the like.

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